Monday, October 13, 2014

bbq & game night shenanigans

 I remember the date clearly - August 8, 2014 - The day before everything changed...

Bryan and I kicked off our Friday night having friends over for a summer BBQ.
You know you have great friends when you put out paper plates and plastic silverware and they rip you apart for being too "classy." Haha!
Fancy dishes are overrated when you don't want to deal with the hassle of dishes. 
Am I right or am I right?
Anyhow, our fun dinner conversation transitioned into an awesome game night.
We ate a ton of food, drank a lot of alcohol and had a million laughs.

This kind of night is my favorite - low-key, casual, good times!

Stay tuned for recap of the following day....


  1. who is that hot guy on the left with the whale attached to him in the 2nd to last picture??? Oh yeah, that's me. Wahhhhhhhhh. But seriously, when are we doing that again? probably the only night I haven't minded being the only sober one :)

  2. loooooovvvve this!!!! yall are so darn cute. I can't wait for the day after recap!

  3. Love these kind of nights! nothing better than night in with friends full of lots of fun and drinks!


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