Monday, May 19, 2014

monday was my mother's day

I spent my first Mother's Day working at an air show in New Jersey and flying home that evening. Trace was fast asleep by the time I got home, but Bryan made sure my day was memorable. He had sent 3 cards to my hotel -- 1 from himself, 1 from Trace and 1 from Cali. He also surprised me with the sweetest blog post! After flying home that night I walked into my house to find 4 dozen roses, more cards and best of all... an incredible pencil drawing that Bryan had commissioned of a picture of Trace and I!
We had decided that Monday would be my Mother's Day, so we set out on a family fun day of strawberry picking in Carrigan Farms strawberry fields.
I love to watch Trace explore the beauty that this world has to offer, even if it is just a simple strawberry that he, himself, picked. It's the quiet moments, filled to the brim with discover, that I cherish the most. So proud of who this little boy is becoming.
Trace had too much fun squishing strawberries in his tiny hands, so instead of running home to give him a bath, we picked up Cali and headed to the lake to wash his sticky fingers off.  Cali swam while Trace swang on the swingset.  We went for a walk and sat down on the shoreline to watch all of the boats and kayaks pass.
It honestly was the perfect Mother's Day. I'm so honored that God chose me to be Trace's mommy! And of course, Cali's mommy too :)

* You can read about our trip to Carrigan Farms pumpkin patch here


  1. That last picture of the four of you is a framer!

  2. Happy first mothers day my sweet friend!

  3. Your husband sure did it right! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  4. Bryan is amazing!!! That pencil drawing is beautiful. Seriously, he sounds like the most amazing husband ever ;)
    All these photos are super cute! You are one hottt momma!!! ;) ;)

  5. Look and sounds like the perfect day! Now you've got me wanting to pick my own strawberries :)

  6. he seemed to be way more into strawberry picking than pumpkin picking. ;)

    side note: did you know that Due West has a place where you can pick strawberries? that probably wasn't included on the tour i gave you guys.

  7. What a fun day!! :) you look like such a cute family! :)


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