Monday, August 5, 2013

full circle

Do you remember when we found out we were having a boy?
The below box contained our future - would it be a boy or a girl?
Upon opening the box we immediately saw the tinsel and "mommy's little cowboy" onesie.

Without thinking, last week I put Trace in that onesie.
I took one look at him and remembered that that onesie told us we were having a boy.
That onesie changed our life forever.
And here I was, looking at my boy wearing it.
I got all emotional. Tears might have been involved.
Talk about full circle...


  1. So sweet! And he's so adorable!

  2. Aw, that is such a good idea! It is such a miracle to think how they are in your belly one minute and you find out their gender and then they are here!

  3. I really like that idea. Who wrapped the gift for you?

  4. SO sweet! I really loved that idea when I saw it and how very cool (and special) to now see that on your little man! :)

  5. So sweet!! This just gave me goosebumps! ha! Trace is so dern cute!

  6. Awwww....amazing how time flies. So precious.

  7. he`s beautiful! and you look the proud mamma :)

  8. Oh my goodness, what an amazing piece of clothing!!!! He is so darn precious! :)

  9. So sweet! It's amazing how life does go full circle :)

  10. Can't tell who he looks like. I think he's a mixture of you both!

  11. ahhhh he is so cute!!! love him!


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