You all asked so many great questions and I went into such great detail answering them all that I'm breaking up my responses into 2 seperate posts. I had so much fun with your questions and most made me really think!
Carolyn asked...
Instagram Questions
littlelady_87 asked...
What's baby boys name gonna be? And what would have the name been if it was a girl?
We've decided to keep our little guys name off of the internet until he's made his big debut and I'm not sure I want to share our girl name either. I mean, what if we find out at birth that he is a girl? ;) Our girl name started with a K.
daniellewoods91711 asked...
Biggest pregnancy misconception?
Mine was that "you immediately fall in love with your unborn child." Unfortunately I was so fearful of a miscarriage in the 1st trimester that I kept myself from getting attached to the baby. I kept my emotions at bay and didn't purchase any maternity clothes or baby items for fear of jinxing things. I know that sounds silly, but it took me getting confirmation from my ob at 12 weeks to really let myself feel for the little being inside me.
Biggest pregnancy surprise?
I'm still stunned by how much energy you get in the 2nd and even 3rd trimester. I feel like everyone tells you about it while your head is in the toilet during the 1st trimester and you can't see any light at the end of the morning sickness tunnel. But I'm here to tell you it's true! The energy you get is unreal. It's more energy than I ever had before becoming pregnant and I definitely took advantage of it!
shanstinson asked...
What are you most nervous about?
Delivery, for sure! And second to delivery I'm worried about managing our parents. Bryan and I are in charge of our finances, our home, our dog and now our child -- we're not kids anymore -- we make the rules -- and I'm expecting that won't be an easy transition for our parents, especially our mom's.
What milestone are you most looking forward to?
As far as a pregnancy milestone, I already hit it... I was counting down the days and weeks until I got to the "safe zone" to where if I went into pre-term labor, the baby would survive in the nicu with modern day medicine. And if you're asking about a motherhood/baby milestone, I would say that the one I'm looking forward to the most, in the more immediate future, is seeing him smile and hearing him laugh. I hope he has a dimple on his cheek like I do!
What's been the most unexpected thing you've learned about pregnancy?
There has been so much of the unexpected... there's just so much no book tells you and no one tells you. The most unexpected thing I've learned is probably about who my true friends are. I know that that doesn't really have to do exactly with pregnancy, but it did teach me a lot. Friends who I thought were some of my closest, I've only heard from 5-10 times since becoming pregnant back in October. They rarely check up on me or the baby and that hurts... a lot. But at the same time, I've been blown away by the friends who send me weekly texts wanting updates, want to skype to see my growing belly and have gifted our little boy items out of the clear blue (not just for a shower, etc.). It's warmed my heart more than anyone can imagine. Because I know that I have done or will do the same for them!
Blogger Questions
When are you showing your nursery?!
I won't be showing it in its entirety. Even before I became pregnant I had a very clear opinion on this -- my innocent childs room, where they lay they're head at night and wake up in the morning, does not need to be exposed on the internet. Would I feel comfortable showing you bloggers his room. Yes! But my blog is public and anyone out there can view it. The idea of even one pedifile seeing where my sweet boy sleeps... well, lets just say his nursery (specifically his crib) will not be on the internet. But with that being said, I have taken fairly close up photos of different parts of the nursery -- that I would love for you to see, especially because I have some great etsy stores to share with you! But I won't be sharing any wide angles of the room :)
What has been the hardest thing about pregnancy for you so far?
I have truly loved my life leading up to this point and coming to terms with the fact that things have changed and will be changing even more has been tougher than I expected. I am so ready for this upcoming change and new life in our lives, but have had a harder time than I anticipated coming to terms with the fact that things will never be the same again.
What are you most nervous about when baby boy comes?
Being completely candid here, Bryan and I have a very sensitive family member. I have so much anxiety over not being able to manage their sensitive nature to the best of my ability. I will be preoccupied with so many other things -- my hormone changes, adjusting to life with my 1st born, bonding, figuring out our family of 3, Cali, lack of sleep, figuring out a schedule, new routines, etc... that I just won't have the mental capacity to adhere to this persons sensitive disposition. And I fear I'm going to get blasted for it...
Do you have a name picked out?
Yes, he has a name! Over the past couple of years Bryan and I discussed names often. We loved 2 boys names, but once we found out we were expecting we instantly knew what name we had to go with. It's actually a name that I came up with and I sometimes still can't believe it's what I'm naming my child! I say that because it was never on my radar before (not a common name), but I love it. Bryan and I had settled on both a boys and a girls name before we knew the gender. So the day we found out we were having a boy, we immediately began referring to him by name and we shared that name with our parents as their last gift of the day during Christmas 2012 dinner. Our son's first and middle names are derived from 2 of our family members names, 1 from Bryan's side and 1 from mine. I'm really into tradition and honoring those who came before us.
Tori G asked...
What has shocked you most about being pregnant? Something you didn't expect.
I have really been shocked by how great I feel mentally, emotionally and physically. After I got through my awful 1st trimester, I've really been able to enjoy this pregnancy. Bryan will attest to the fact that my personality and mood has essentially stayed the same. I feel so comfortable in this pregnant body and embracing my bump has come naturally. I didn't expect any of that... I really thought I'd be an emotional basketcase experiencing every craving imaginable, puking non-stop all while gaining a trillion pounds and hiding from the outside world. Lol!
Curly Girl Confessions asked...
Do you know how many calories a day you consumed each trimester?
I have no clue. I just ate what I wanted when I wanted. I've always been someone who eats everything in moderation, but who overall eats healthy. I've never counted calories in my life... And I have gained a good amount of weight... if it's not in my belly it's resting comfortably on my hips, thighs and ass. I'll probably share my total weight gain once this pregnancy journey commences...
Pregnancy fashion?
The majority of the clothes that I've worn are regular clothes. Some dresses have had to be sized up 1 size whereas others just fit in my everyday size. Non-maternity Target and Old Navy tank tops are great, as are regular yoga pants and yoga capri's. I do have 3 pairs of maternity jeans (Old Navy, Target, H&M), 2 pairs of maternity shorts (Old Navy, Ross) and several maternity tee's and tanks. I've refused to spend a lot of money on maternity clothes, therefore most of my stuff has been bought from Walmart online (their 3 pack of maternity tanks for $10 are great!), (tanks and tee's are wonderful) and H&M Mama. I haven't been very impressed by Target and have never even stepped foot into Gap Maternity, Motherhood Maternity or Pea in a Pod.
How did you stay the cutest preg person EVER?
Lots of make-up and good photo angles ;)
How soon after you have baby can I come see you?
I better see your face in the hospital!
Love life during pregnancy. Did you keep it hot? Did it get stale? Did it not exist?
We've discussed this in person, more than once. 'Nuff said. By the way, "Hi Dad" I know you're reading...
Sarah asked...
What is the best advice you have received for pregnancy and/or after the baby is born?
LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! I had so many people tell me this and they are so right... If you have low energy - relax. If you have a ton of energy - race around, run errands, furnish and decorate the nursery, cook dinner, see your friends and family, go on date nights, travel, etc. If you have no energy - do not push yourself, nap. If you're hungry - eat. If you're sore - rest. All in all... Put your child first, listen to your body!
Katie asked...
Do you have a birth plan? if so, how have you approached it?
So I probably should... but I don't. Everyone I've known who's put a lot of time and effort into their birth plan had it thrown to the side once in labor. The baby and doctor are in charge, not me, therefore I'm not stressing over things going perfectly how I want them to.
Will you do a post after baby's born on newborn essentials (I am about to start registering - so overwhelming!)?
I'm so bad with doing things like this, but would love to attempt a newborn essentials post -- great idea! In the meantime, you can check out my baby registry post here.
Nicole asked...
Did you use an ovulation kit or count the days and then try?
I used Clear Blue Easy Digital opk's as well as an app on my phone that really helped. If anyone wants more details on this subject, e-mail me at and I'd be happy to go into more detail with you.
Were you paranoid on food you were and weren't supposed to eat?
I wouldn't say that I was ever paranoid, but I definitely adhered to was I was told to stay away from. I understand that some of the things they tell you not to eat are because you have a 1:1million chance of catching a disease that could hurt/kill your baby and because the odds are so low most people eat them. I didn't. In my opinion, 1:1million is still too high of a chance and if anything happened to my baby due to something I willingly ate I'd never be able to forgive myself. In general, I have an insane amount of willpower so this came easy to me. It's been 9 months since I've eaten deli meat, hard salami, hot dogs, unpastuerized soft cheeses, runny eggs, eggs benedict (love!) or drank alchohol. I'm pretty sure I'm going to devour everything I just mentioned the week I give birth :)
Caffeine, how much do you drink?
I didn't drink any caffeine throughout my 1st trimester and after that I drank coffee on an as needed basis. I've never been one to drink caffeinated soda, so I was never tempted by it throughout my pregnancy. But some weeks I'd drink 4 cups of coffee and other weeks I wouldn't have any at all. I never had it daily, but am not opposed to it. I just didn't need it daily. I would listen to my body -- If I had high energy I would stay away from caffeine, whereas on low energy days I might make myself a cup. I'd also go to Starbucks and get a tall half caf coffee with 2 pumps of (sugar free or regular) caramel or vanilla syrup. It only costs approx. $2.00 and tastes like a speciality drink! If we have a 2nd child, down the road, I'm sure caffeine will be my lifeline.
Are you getting the pup ready for the new arrival?
I think Cali has been naturally preparing herself this whole time. It's been very interesting to observe. Throughout my pregnancy Cali has become even more of a mama's girl than ever... she won't leave my side, always has to see me, follows me everywhere, freaks out if I go out of town or just simply leave the house, etc. She has taken daily naps on my belly... even before I was showing. She remains calm when the baby kicks her. I feel like she can hear his heart beat and instictually knows that a big change is about to occur very soon. She gets it. I just love my Cali!
Samm asked...
What names are you thinking? Did I miss that anywhere
You haven't missed a thing... Although his name isn't a secret, I won't be announcing it on the internet until he's here :)
In honor of our last mishap, what is the first drink you're going to drink after you give birth?
This made me laugh so hard! Love it!! I have sooooo many thoughts on what I want my 1st drink to be... Will it be whiskey or a margarita or a glass of crisp wine? I'm pretty sure I'll be playing this one by ear, but am leaning toward champagne! I do think that I might want my dad to sneak me a little taste of something alcoholic while still in the hospital. Shhhhh, don't tell ;)
That was so much fun! I'll be posting PART 2 soon...
Several of you are interested in what our little guys name is, so... I'll leave you with his monogram:

Maran's questions are hilarious and I would expect nothing else from her! But she does have me curious now about the last questions, ha! My only experience of this is a scene from knocked up!
ReplyDeleteI ask the hard hitting questions, hahahaha. And I love reading all your answers because you are being totally honest as we have talked about most of this. And I will be in that hospital as fast as my car will get there.
ReplyDeleteI didn't have a birth plan either. I've never understood people who do except if they didn't want drugs or something. Go with the flow! Getting close!
ReplyDeleteYAY! :) This is like crack to a pregnant woman. :) So many details! HAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe you're so close to having your little boy! EEK!!! I can't wait to hear his name and see the nursery details you feel comfortable sharing.
ReplyDeleteIs it bad that I already know I want a Jimmy Johns sandwich and a Summer Shandy right after labor? It's my friend's job to bring me the beer. BAHAHAHAHA!
You and Bryan are going to have a beautiful little boy! I mean, how could you two not? Darling little Cali will be a great big sister. I'm an only and my whole life we've called our pets my brothers and sisters, and I think that is sweet.
ReplyDeletethe best part about this post? that you used a monogram.
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait for the name, my middle name is a combination of my grandmothers middle names Louise and Ann, i'm Luann. It is very special to me and for that reason I'm not dropping it (or my last) when I get married. Its also smart not to share the name, my parents had mine picked out but once I was born changed it, not really sure if they had shared the other name before hand. Good luck with the birth!!
ReplyDeleteI've loved being able to keep up with your pregnancy on here since I'm 700 miles away. Can't wait to get out there to see you and meet your little dude! Hang in there! As I already said, thinking of you guys in your final days.
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this, especially being pregnant myself, it was fun to think about what answers I would have given :) I love that you know that the baby controls the delivery, so why stress about a birth plan! I learnt that lesson the hard way when I had my son so this time I'm going with the flow and hoping it all goes smoothly!
ReplyDeleteCannot wait to hear the little guys name.. Oh and also kudos to you for not sharing his nursery! I love how down to earth and prepared you seem to be!
Good luck and I really hope it all goes well!! xx
Aw sweet Cali has an instinct baby brother will be here soon! So sweet! I can't wait to see precious pictures of them together. My heart is melting already! haha