Wednesday, June 12, 2013

this explains everything...

Pre-Pregnancy Body vs. Full-Term body

It's miraculous that our bodies are designed for this... and then go back to their original shape!


  1. AH-mazing! At 25 weeks now, I can't even imagine the baby taking up that much space. Sometimes when she's moving around, I wonder what it is that she's poking into, but now I know!

  2. wow it really is so crazy and amazing what a woman's body can do! we are all like super women! xo

  3. my body is kind of like the one with the baby inside of it...except instead of the human it's full of food.

  4. i needed this reminder today as i waddle around and complain about how uncomfortable i'll all be back to "normal" soon enough and i'll have something to cuddle with ;)

    thanks friend!! OXOX

  5. AGHHHHHH!!! This freaked me out!

    Then again, how FREAKING AWESOME is it that our bodies can do this? Men are the superior beings? PUH-LEASE.

  6. This is crazy tho think that I am 30 weeks and looking more and more like full term pics everyday.

  7. HAHAHAHA! Jake saw those pics at our labor class this past weekend... I think he feels a lot more sympathetic now! :)

  8. This is so crazy- I'm still amazed at what my body has done these last 39 weeks.


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