Monday, May 20, 2013

Bump Update: Week 34

I started off week 32 with high energy and feeling like myself. I cleaned all of our little stud's clothes, organized his drawers and closet and was just overly productive when it came to him. I was still able to meet up with friends and do normal Kate things. Come week 34 ii was like I had an alien living inside me. Oh wait, I kinda do. Call it mother's intuition, but I know that he's just the most precious alien ever! Anyhow... I'm exhausted. Like, so exhausted I can't even remember what it felt like not to be. I still need to get everyday things done, but man, at the end of the day I. Am. Done! I'm doing my best not to let this slow me down though -- Bryan and I have committed ourselves to many more date nights than usual, staying home and enjoying our time with just each other and soaking up every last moment with our closest friends. In 6 weeks or less, life's a changin'! 

Due Date: June 28, 2013

Gender: I foresee lots of playing in the dirt, with trucks and Legos in my future -- He's a boy!

Movement: Our little guy is a silly one. He loves to move all around, but when you go to watch my belly move... he stops. I think he's either playing games with me or letting me know who's in control now. Haha! Either way, I think he's the best thing since sliced bread... I just wish he would let me watch him move in my belly more. Also, he's so active right when I wake up in the morning and after I wind down and am ready for bed at night. Bryan and I lay on the couch snuggling and Bry keeps his hand on my stomach, prepared for any movement to happen. The baby always moves for him at night... for a good hour or so. He kicks, hits, flutters, sways, repositions and sometimes has hiccups.

Feeling: From the second I wake up until I go to bed, I'm exhausted. This is new for me, being that I've had an exceptional amount of energy these past several months. I'm trying not to let it slow me down much, but come evening-time my body is hating me. 
I push myself so hard to be "normal" - drinks/dinner with friends, a packed schedule, Bryan's weekly softball games, date nights, shopping, etc - but I am left so tired and in so much pain (my lower abdomen feels like it's going to split open) that I'm beginning to question if those days are over. I need to start pacing myself better...

Food Cravings: Although I don't have any cravings, I want to report some items that I always have in the house -- watermelon, red meat (steaks/burgers), low fat vanilla frozen yogurt with chocolate fudge magic shell, vanilla Greek yogurt, whole grain english muffin with peanut butter and honey (my daily breakfast), red apples with sharp cheddar cheese, water water water (I'm still drinking 90oz./day), organic milk with dinner and Amy's Organic Light & Lean Spaghetti (it's vegan with no preservatives)

Food Aversions: salmon, v8

Clothes: I am rocking the crap out of all of my sundresses that fit me. Other than that, I'm in maternity jeans and tank tops a lot too.

Stretch Marks: None, fingers crossed...

Sleep: Sleep is slowly getting more and more comfortable now that he's not resting on my bladder as much. I'm still up twice/night going to the bathroom. I'm so front heavy that it's hard for me to turn from side to side while sleeping... I pretty much have to hoist my stomach over with my hands as I turn. It probably looks really funny, but I'm far to exhausted to care.

Symptoms: frequent urination... like very frequent (thanks to baby boy sitting smack on my bladder), good daytime energy, low energy in the evenings, faint linea nigra, pregnancy mask on forehead (my skintone is so uneven), tailbone pain, light heartburn, carrying on the right/lopsided, carrying very low, hand swelling... I'm afraid my wedding ring will have to come off soon :(

What I Miss: salami, hot dogs, my pre-pregnancy wardrobe, travel, having high energy

Best Moment: Getting our little stud's clothes, sheets, blankets, burp cloths and toys cleaned, orgnanized and put away

Memorable Moments: 

32 weeks - FatigueFatigue hasn't slowly entered back into the picture. No. It's come plowing in like a freight train. With all of our little guys rapid growth that's taking place, it sure is draining his mama!
32 weeks - Heisman Pose - This is what the baby does to me all throughout the day... on my bladder!!
32 weeks 2 days - Clean Clothes - All of the babies clothes have been washed and are ready for him!
32 weeks 3 days - In-Laws - It was reconfirmed, yet again, what an amazing family I married into! No wonder my husband turned out to be such a loving, humble, generous man with the biggest of hearts...
32 weeks 4 days - Pediatrician Interviews - I had interviews set up with 2 different practices in my area
33 weeks - Appointment - The baby is only measuring 1 week ahead, which in my doctors opinion is "right on track." His heart rate was 152 bpm. My blood pressure was 110:60 and I only gained 1lb since my last appt. 2.5 weeks ago. I got a tetanus with protesis shot and was told that he is "probably" head down
33 weeks 5 days - Exhaustion - Fatigue has taken on a whole new meaning... I am beyond exhausted come the end of the day. It's worse than 1st trimester exhaustion!


  1. I was SO tired at the end too. I was trying to stay busy to make time go quickly, but it got to the point where laying on the couch was about all I could manage. And I DEFINITELY had to do the belly hoist in bed...pretty sure it shook the whole room when I needed to roll over.

  2. You look so adorable!! :) I can't wait to start washing and folding all the baby clothes. They're all so dang cute!

  3. I say it all the time and I'll say it look amazing! Can't wait to see this little bundle of joy!

  4. GIRL you are totally in the homestretch and you look amazing!!! Can't believe in just six short weeks! WOW!

  5. Okay, how do you look so amazing! I'm 27 weeks pregnant and look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards!

    It seem like your pregnancy has flown by! I can't believe he will be here in just 6 weeks :)

  6. You look just beautiful! I know it is cliche, but you really are glowing. :)

    <a href=">The Grass Skirt</a>

  7. So excited for you! Enjoy these last couple of weeks!!!

  8. You look great!!! I cannot believe it's almost time (well, almost) - you are going to be a Momma before you know it! xo

  9. Keep up the good work mama! You're almost there!

  10. Looking good- we are in the home stretch!! I feel you on the exhaustion- my husband went out for a friend's birthday on Saturday night but I just couldn't cut it. I stayed home and I'm so glad I did because I was in bed by 9pm and he didn't get home until 11. I just can't do it anymore! I want to be fun and hang out but it's just too hard

  11. looking beautiful!
    cannot wait to meet him

  12. Not going to lie, the last few weeks are tough. Everyone told me that and it's true. At least you'll deliver before it gets crazy hot!

  13. still as pretty as ever.

    for your sake...i hope the baby comes two days early. that would be the best 30th birthday present ever! :)

  14. You look so cute! Sorry you're so exhausted! Sounds like you need some rest. Hopefully baby makes his appearance soon! :)

  15. Oh man. Worse than 1st trimester exhaustion?! Sounds like you are keeping busy girlfriend!! Not long until your little guy is here!!!

  16. BEAUTIFUL!!! Enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy! I was so excited to meet him, but after 8 days old I miss my bump and feeling those movements every now and then!

  17. Still looking great!!! Grow baby grow!! :)


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