Monday, October 22, 2012

we've been boo'd!

 I opened my front door to the sweetest surprise.
Much to my delight, we had been "boo'd" by someone in our neighborhood!

Isn't this the most cute Halloween game?
Does your neighborhood do this? If it doesn't, you should start it!
Go here for free printables.


  1. i want to get boo'd. such a fun idea. i bet it's even MORE exciting for the kids in the hood.

  2. I should start this in our hood. Who knows if I'll actually do it though ;0

  3. That is darling! I love it!

  4. I think this is such a great idea! My parents development does this and it's always so fun. It's also a great way to invite trick or treaters to your house. I know in their development if you don't have the Boo sign it generally means your not inviting trick or treaters.

  5. This is such a great/cute idea! I live in a neighborhood with lots of families with young kids (even though my only kid is my furball!) so this could be super fun! Thanks for sharing =)

  6. I love this! Our neighbors did it when we first moved in, but no one has done it since. It's so cute and fun!

  7. We had never heard of this before...then we got boo'd last night!!! :)

  8. Seriously cutest idea EVER!

    I love it!
    What are you gonna make for yours?!


  9. What a cute idea! I can't wait until we have a real house in real neighborhood (instead of an apartment) so we can do things like this :)

  10. That is beyond awesome! I love things like that. I am in the process of buying a new home and I hope I find a neighborhood like yours!!

  11. Wow this is a cute idea! I can't imagine doing it in my neighborhood though...too many weirdos. LOL!

  12. This is such a cute idea. I just printed my signs and can't wait to BOO two friends this weekend. Thanks for sharing something so fun and cute!

  13. I Boo'd a co-worker this morning. Her sign is hanging on her office door. I hope she keeps it going.

    Thanks for the great idea!!! :)

  14. This is a great idea. Did you pass it on?!

  15. Adore this game! I will have to try it! Reminds me of the Friendship Dough you'd pass along and add different ingredients.

  16. ok that is SO cute!!!! I love that you can see who all has been "boo'd" by who has a sign in their window!! Love this!

  17. SO cute!! We used to live in a neighborhood that played this fun game... but we've since moved across the state and live in a boring little town that doesn't do this :( I wish I would have thought of starting this the beginning of the month!

  18. This is such a fun idea! Love your blog and I am looking forward to following along!


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