Friday, February 3, 2012

riviera maya: teaser reel

This video, shot, directed and edited by Blackburst Entertainment, is a compilation of clips from 50 days of shooting in various Latin America Barcelo resorts. This footage was filmed over the past 9 months and serves to be somewhat of a teaser for what's to come. Watch the video through the end, as we make several appearances. Oh, and that's us watching the sunset in the very last clip!

Amazing, right?!

*I've gotten a couple comments on the girl de-robing for a shower, so I feel compelled to address it before my mom, dad or in-laws read those comments. That scene was filmed in Cabo by someone else. She looks great, but it is NOT me*


  1. Wow! Is that you stripping down for the shower? Oww oww hott stuff. This whole video looks magical. So happy that you got to do this.

  2. ummmmm THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!! I LOVED SEEING YALL!!!!!!!!! Seriously, love this. I can't wait for the real deal. Oh and can I please go to this resort.

  3. Love it!! :) I totally would stay at that place. hahahaha!

  4. Wow, this is amazing! Makes me want to travel! Xoxo

  5. So great! Love it, movie star material you are!!

  6. Very cool! Is that you de-robeing in the shower???

  7. Wow I love this video made me super jealous cause I want to go.

  8. wooo love it girl :)

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Yaaa so exciting! Thanks for all your feedback I have to email you back still! But totally appreciate all the insight!

  11. Wow that looks amazing, I can't imagine how fun it must have been to shoot that!

  12. So awesome! Can I hide in your suitcase next trip???

  13. The video is done so well, and you and B of course look wonderful! The sunset shot especially - very pretty. I know you guys had the best time down there.

  14. Ok Kate, I'm packing my bags now! Just please, PLEASE stop teasing me!!!

    That was amazing love! Clean & professional...very creative! That sunset rivals most sunsets!

    P.S. Great work!

  15. I want to go there!! Looks amazing

  16. How lovely. Definitely makes me want to take a vacation asap :b

  17. great blog!!! following you now...

    visit my blog!!!


  18. You are absolutely adorable. I'm diggin your blog :) -Melissa

  19. I need this job. Like yesterday.

    I mean-I LOVE my job and all but shoooooot I could totally be good at this!!

    SO cool! Y'all did SO good! I don't know that I could have kept a straight face without actin' a fool...

  20. Wow, just happened upon your blog and you have an awesome job! How do you get to be in videos for resorts? I noticed your about me says you are in event marketing?? Looks like a great resort!!


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