Monday, March 7, 2011

1 more month...


I have 1 more month.


Until I have a VERY big birthday!

I am currently spending my days thinking about how I want to live out this all-important next month.

All I know is that I'm going blonder and am hitting the gym harder.

Oh, and I'm going to a little known place called Cabo for a wedding and to celebrate this all-important birthday of mine!


  1. How many years young will you be? hehe

  2. what number is this big birthday?!?!? :)
    not that that is important at all, you should celebrate it to the fullest extent no matter the age :)I was looking at pictures of myself the other night and i used to be bright blonde...sometimes i wanna go back, but not sure :)
    and um hello...cabo?!?! can i fit in your suitcase?? lol

  3. Yay for birthdays and an even bigger YAYYYYY for Cabo! You're going to have a great time! I'm jealous!

  4. Ohhhh Cabo!! I've always wanted to go!!! I'm a new follower! love your blog!

  5. "All I know is that I'm going blonder and am hitting the gym harder." LOVE it.

  6. Have big one is on Sunday, but I do not think I will REALLY celebrate until this summer. :) I am hitting the gym harder and eating better. 30 will be the BEST YET!

  7. Ooh have fun in Cabo! It's so pretty there


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