I'm loving how spunky my dog gets after she eats. It's like she's completely fueled up and goes nuts for about 10 minutes... and then totally crashes HARD!
I'm loving that we've been invited to 2 destination weddings this year.
I'm loving that my hubby was out of town all last week and came back to me with a fresh outlook and positive attitude!
I'm loving that my job is taking me back to my great state of California next weekend - YAY!!! I'll be far from home up San Francisco, but at least Hollie and I will be reuniting while our men are home with the dogs!
Hollie and I in Maine, Jan 2010
I'm loving that I'm getting my hair done this afternoon. Roots.Be.Gone.
I'm loving that I had a $25.00 gift card to Forever 21, bought 3 pairs of earrings and 1 necklace and still have $7.00 left on the gift card. Gotta love a good deal, especially when you walk away with super cute accessories!
I'm loving that the flowers Bryan bought 3 weeks ago are still full of life and continue to add much color to our dining table. I guess changing the water every other day really does make them last longer!
I'm loving that I have 1 more week in my 20s! Should I do anything special? Go out of this decade with a bang?? Hmmm... how do I want to live out this last week of my 20s???
It's always fun celebrating all things green!